
Power laws, critical exponents, scaling limits in the percolation model-张宇 教授 (University of Colorado)

报告题目:Power laws, critical exponents, scaling limits in the percolation model

报告人 :张宇 教授 (University of Colorado)

摘要:Percolation is one of the fundamental stochastic models studied by mathematicians. Since percolation is one of the simplest models that exhibit a phase transition, it also becomes one of statistical physicists’ favorite models for studying critical phenomena. In particular, the case of two dimensions is very special since it links the conformal field theory with the singularity of a phase transition at the criticality.  In this talk, I will introduce the power laws, the critical exponents in the percolation model. In addition, I will discuss the existence of a scaling limit for the bond percolation for the square lattice.


张宇教授是国际概率领域知名学者,永利3044官网77届杰出校友。张宇教授1982毕业后留校任教,1985-1990在Cornell (康纳尔)大学读博士。1990-至今在Colorado(科罗拉多)大学任教,从助理教授开始,2001年任正教授至今。张宇教授共发表50余篇学术论文,多数在国际一流学术期刊。张宇教授应邀(长期)访问了世界许多著名大学和研究所, 讲学和开展科研合作:其中包括北京大学,以色列的Technion大学,日本的Koba(神户)大学,美国的Wharton University Pennsylvania(宾州大学沃顿商学院),台湾中研院,永利3044官网(特聘教授,2004-2005)等。



